Home » Podcast » 15: #15 – Scaling with Cold Calls, Content & Family: The long road to being an overnight success with Justin Bellante

15: #15 – Scaling with Cold Calls, Content & Family: The long road to being an overnight success with Justin Bellante

November 8th, 2023

Episode Summary

In this podcast episode, Clark is joined by Justin Bellante, the co-founder and CEO of Titan Placement Group. The conversation primarily revolves around business development and recruiting. They discuss the challenges and experiences of starting in the field of recruiting, including the initial struggles of making scripted calls and the importance of finding mentors. They also touch on the significance of qualifying leads, finding a niche, and creating engaging conversations. 

This podcast episode provides valuable insights into the world of business development and recruiting, highlighting the importance of networking, mentorship, and personal growth. It emphasizes the value of creating engaging conversations, finding a niche, and qualifying leads to achieve success in the industry. The episode also touches on the personal journey of the guest and the impact of fatherhood on his entrepreneurial pursuits.

Justin’s Bio

Justin Bellante founded Titan Placement Search in 2022, a healthcare recruiting firm. He eats, sleeps, and breathes recruiting. It is his passion and what he loves to do, help others. He discovered recruiting about 10 years ago and instantly fell in love with it. He gets to make friends for a living and help them improve their lives. 

You can find Justin on LinkedIn or http://www.titanplacementgroup.com

For more information about Digital Recruiter, click HERE —> https://linktr.ee/thedigitalrecruiter 

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