Home » Podcast » How Groupon “Deals” with Employer Branding, feat. James Ellis

How Groupon “Deals” with Employer Branding, feat. James Ellis

May 31st, 2018

Today we’re talking to a Chicago-based tech company that has been through the peaks and troughs of business and now competing for the best talent with the likes of Google, Amazon, Facebook.

James Ellis is the Global Head of Employment Brand at Groupon. He is responsible for the global employer brand and its activation across all digital channels.

Connect with James on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/saltlab/

Tune in to the Talent Cast podcast: http://thetalentcast.com/

Show-notes will be available at https://employerbrandingpodcast.com

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How to Measure ROI on Employer Brand, EBrandCon 2018 slides: https://hubs.ly/H0cnWtl0

Check out the Employer Brand Index: https://employerbrandindex.co

Got questions or feedback? Email: jorgen@linkhumans.com

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