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The State of Content Marketing in 2017, with Joe Pulizzi of CMI

January 17th, 2017

What’s going on in the world of content marketing? I’ve had the pleasure of welcoming back Joe Pulizzi to the podcast and see how things have progressed over the last 12 months.

The Content Marketing Institute recently released a new piece of research benchmarking UK, North America and Asia-Pacific in terms of content marketing success.

Key Findings:

UK Marketers Who are Committed to Content Marketing See Different Results

61% of UK marketers say their organizations are extremely or very committed to content marketing. Those UK marketers are more likely than the overall sample to:
Understand what an effective or successful content marketing program looks like within their organization (63% vs. 46%)
Document their content marketing strategy (54% vs. 40%)
Allocate a higher percentage of their budget to content marketing (42% vs. 36%)
Value creativity and craft in content creation and production (93% vs. 72%)

Read the full article: http://employerbrandingpodcast.com

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