Home » Podcast » 8: Employer Branding T.I.P S07Ep.08 | How can you use “message machines” to become an employer of choice, with Oliver Aust, Founder & CEO of @Eo Ipso Communications

8: Employer Branding T.I.P S07Ep.08 | How can you use “message machines” to become an employer of choice, with Oliver Aust, Founder & CEO of @Eo Ipso Communications

June 8th, 2023

Overview Because every beginning has an end, and every end is a new beginning, today’s episode of #EmployerBranding: The Inside Podcast is bittersweet, but hopefully, memorable to all of our listeners! After 7 amazing seasons filled with valuable lessons and insights, ep. 8 marks the last episode of Employer Branding: The Inside Podcast! To end things on a high note, we had the pleasure of speaking with Communications expert and best-selling author, Oliver Aust, talk about #branding, employer appeal, the complexities of #employerbranding, and the importance of building communications skills are a business leader. Becoming an employer of choice in these volatile times is no easy journey. Because, just like Oliver mentions in his latest book, MESSAGE MACHINE: How Communications Will Make You An Unstoppable Founder, “Culture is never done. It’s always work in progress.[…] Communications unlocks the potential of your company. You need to grow as a leader and as a communicator to ensure that your company can grow as well.” And we couldn’t agree more. What you’ll learn by listening

  • What are “Message Machines” and how are they developed
  • The importance of building communications skills as a business leader
  • How to become an employer of choice in volatile times
  • Employer branding, the key to building employer appeal
  • Managing internal communications during the current recession
  • Building an internal communication system based on the “pull, push & exchange” model
  • Maintaining a high-performing team
  • Tactical hiring vs long-term employer branding
  • The connection between branding & employer branding

About OliverOliver Aust is Europe’s leading expert on CEO and founder communications. He is on a mission to help 250.000 CEOs and founders scale themselves & their companies by 2026 through one-on-one coaching and mentoring as well as through his books, events, newsletter, and his category-defining podcast “Speak Like a CEO”.Drawing from his experience advising Fortune 50, FTSE100 and DAX40 companies and helping to grow easyJet into a multi-billion-dollar company, as well as writing four books including the international bestsellers “Message Machine” and “Unignorable“, Oliver helps CEOs and founders become unstoppable and to unlock the growth of their companies.

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