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Ep 524: Keeping The Needle Moving On DE&I

May 26th, 2023

Many employers have been publically committing to making DE&I their most important focus for several years now. However, as the economy becomes more challenging and some companies roll back from flexible working, is the needle still moving on diversity, and is it still the business priority that we were promised it would be?

My guest this week is Michael Barrington-Hibbert, CEO of Barrington-Hibbert Associates and Co-Founder of 10,000 black interns. Michael is an active influencer in driving better diversity and inclusion within the finance sector and instilling a belief in the importance of social mobility. He has essential advice on how employers can keep diversity front and centre by closely aligning DE&I strategies to critical business goals.

In the interview, we discuss:

Talent market challenges

Wage inflation and overhiring.

How the pandemic diversified the workforce

The relationship between flexibility and diversity

Advice to employers on how not the lose the progress they have made as the market changes

Diversity of thought and creativity

Reducing bias in recruiting

The role of technology

The importance of brave organizations

Aligning DE&I with business strategies

What will the future look like?

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A full transcript will appear here shortly

The post Ep 524: Keeping The Needle Moving On DE&I appeared first on The Recruiting Future Podcast.

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