Home » Podcast » Ep 528: Social Mobility Via Talent Engagement

Ep 528: Social Mobility Via Talent Engagement

June 9th, 2023

It’s very encouraging that an increasing number of employers are committing to play their part in improving social mobility. It is becoming clear, though, that transactional and short-term attempts at talent engagement do not yield the results needed for employers or the communities they seek to engage.

So what can employers learn from nonprofits that achieve positive outcomes that do improve social mobility?

My guest this week is Irene Shih, CEO of Minds Matter Bay Area. This education nonprofit connects driven and determined students from low-income families with the people, preparation, and possibilities to succeed in college. Minds Matter Bay Area has been incredibly successful with its mission, and Irene has some critical learnings to share that employers focusing on social mobility will find extremely valuable.

In the interview, we discuss:

• What is college undermatching, and why is it important to solve it

• The importance of networks

• What are the most significant barriers to top college entrance for low-income students?

• Economic connectedness and cross-class friendships

• What are the interventions that lift people out of poverty?

• Positive outcomes

• Trust and relationships

• The importance of long-term talent engagement and why transactional approaches don’t work.

• Advice to employers on improving social mobility

Listen to this podcast on Apple Podcasts.

A full transcript will appear here shortly.

The post Ep 528: Social Mobility Via Talent Engagement appeared first on The Recruiting Future Podcast.

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