Home » Podcast » Episode 18: Remote work can work when you are smart

Episode 18: Remote work can work when you are smart

June 28th, 2023

Happy 2023! After a short break, we are back with another Live episode of Recruiting is no joke.

This week I’m excited to chat with Vanesa Cotlar, MBA Cotlar, VP of People & Culture at PolicyMe a Series A funded insurance company.

Vanesa has a deep background that includes many years as a consultant to C-Level and Senior executives on corporate and business strategy.

She has been leading the people function, for the past 18 months, at PolicyMe and is an avid content creator on Linkedin always producing highly valuable content for the HR community.

Thanks to BrightHire. com for sponsoring the show. Brighthire is the fastest way to raise your quality of hire. Leading TA teams use BrightHire’s interview intelligence platform to transform their quality of hire, reduce bias in every hiring decision, and unlock new insights for teams to grow smarter.

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