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40: CultureGene – Why The Lack Of Culture Development Is Its Own Pandemic with Bretton Putter

March 31st, 2021

Today, we have Brett Putter on from CultureGene to talk about a topic that I’ve wanted to talk about for months now, actually since COVID hit: Why the lack of cultural development is its own pandemic. We obviously had the pandemic and we are thinking about culture in a much different way.

Brett’s an expert at this, so we’re along for this ride. We’re going to have some fun. 

 Brett is the co-founder and CEO of CultureGene. He ran an executive search firm for 16 years, working with high-growth early-stage tech companies, helping them source senior executive leaders. He realized that culture was the missing link not just for startups, but for all companies and I decided to focus his energies on understanding company culture. He founded CultureGene based on a process he developed to help companies define, embed, and manage their process of developing their culture.  

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