Home » Podcast » 8: People Heroes Rising: Fostering Customer Advocacy and Partnerships with Paige La Fever of isolved

8: People Heroes Rising: Fostering Customer Advocacy and Partnerships with Paige La Fever of isolved

November 20th, 2023

Does your organization foster a culture of family? In this special episode of the People Heroes Rising podcast, host William Tincup interviews Paige La Fever, Sr Advocacy and Marketing Manager at isolved. Live at the isolved Connect roadshow in Palm Springs, Paige shares her role in building customer relationships and driving advocacy.

La Fever fosters this advocacy by obtaining case studies, testimonials, and running isolved's reference and reputation programs. isolved fosters a culture of family with its customers, viewing them as heroes and the company as their sidekick. Paige also talks about the challenges in getting customer testimonials, particularly in larger companies, and the measures isolved takes to offer value exchanges to its customers. 

If you feel as if your company can put more work into building a family out of your customers, this is the podcast episode to listen to.

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