No one works a job anymore. When there are more open roles than people to fill them, when there is little to no stigma in job hopping, when it is common knowledge that better pay raises happen when someone moves from one company to another rather than being loyal, we have to rethink how we see the people who come to work every day.
We’ve built and installed massive enterprise systems to attract, select and collect talent based on the idea that the hiring manager is smart, wise and good, but the candidate is always hiding something. But today’s demand for talent far outpacing the supply puts talented candidates and prospects in the driver’s seat.
The fastest way to shift your thinking away from this idea is to stop thinking of these people as candidates or employees, but as volunteers. Seeing them as volunteers forces recruiters and managers to flip the entire recruiting script from having the best bait that draws people to you into a strategy in which you have to communicate why they should choose to volunteer for you.