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Assessment Witchcraft w/ Caitlin MacGregor

July 13th, 2022

For as long as employee assessments have been around, they’re still largely a mystery to most employers. Sort of like witchcraft or a pagan ritual from the Middle Ages, most companies enter the assessment game with a lot of confusion and fear.

That’s why we invited Plum’s Caitlin MacGregor co-founder and CEO on the podcast to make sense of it all and relieve listeners from the pain assessment tests can sometimes bring. We’re talkin’ death of resumes, threats to employer branding, and being stuck in World War II technology. Don’t worry. It’ll all make sense, and you’ll feel a lot better if you’re in the market for assessment solutions. Plus, Caitlin is Canadian, which means her commentary goes down as smoothly as a cold Moosehead or a warm serving of maple syrup.

You’re welcome, eh.

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