Home » Podcast » 123: Brainfood Live On Air – Ep127 – Diversifying the Talent Pipeline – MORE or LESS candidate data

123: Brainfood Live On Air – Ep127 – Diversifying the Talent Pipeline – MORE or LESS candidate data

October 1st, 2021

Diversify The Talent Pipeline: More Data or Less Data?


Diversifying the workforce has become a pre-eminent concern for TA and HR. Almost all of us accept the value of the outcome, but we often struggle to choose which strategy is best suited to deliver this outcome. Additionally, what approach is taken is often regionally divergent, based on historical context and compliance with local jurisdictions. We’re going to explore two of these approaches – explicitly sourcing for candidates who represent diversity (US exemplar) vs anonymising candidate data to remove bias on applicant review (France exemplar).


– What is the aim of diversifying the workforce?

– How does that translate to operational changes at the level of the recruiter?

– What are the most common strategies to diversifying the talent pipeline?

– What are the pro’s and con’s of these approaches?

– How do we measure success?

– How do we know when we are not getting it right?

– What are the ethics of targeting based on non-job relevant candidate data?
– Do we take more candidate data or less candidate data?


This is going to be both a practical and philosophical take on one of the pressing issues of the day.


We’re with Irina Shamaeva, Founder (Braingain), Guillaume Alexandre, Founder (Gates Solutions), Caroline Chavier, CEO (The Allyance) & Ute Neher, Senior Recruitment Evangelist (Indeed)


Ep 127 is sponsored by our buddies Bryq

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