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14: What Coaching Little League Can Teach Recruiters About Humanizing the Recruitment Process

December 27th, 2018

In this episode, Staffing Hub Editor-in-Chief Caitlin Delohery interviews Adam Conrad, a veteran recruiter and founder of [Great Recruiters](https://www.greatrecruiters.com/), a job candidate and reputation management platform specifically designed for recruiters and staffing firms.

Adam brings 18 years of recruiting to the table and a powerful desire to change the recruiter stereotype. Recruiters have been getting a bad rap for decades. You might have heard recruiters are slow to respond or they make job promises they can’t keep. And while you know this isn’t even close to the full picture, Adam brings practical advice on how to authentically humanize recruiters and the recruiting process. Hint: it takes a little bravery and a lot of active listening. (Oh, and coaching Little League might help, too.)

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